Oct 29, 2019 | Family Law
“And she’s got brains enough for two, which is the exact quantity the girl who marries you will need” (P.G. Wodehouse) Wedding Season being once again well and truly upon us, the chances are high that even if you yourself aren’t contemplating marriage you know...
Oct 29, 2019 | Employment and Labour Law
“… arbitrators should hesitate to interfere with employer’s decisions on whether probationary employees have attained the required performance standard, or with the standards themselves” (extract from judgment below) Our laws allow employers to hire new employees on a...
Oct 29, 2019 | Criminal Law / Crime
“The scourge of white collar crime, especially fraud, is currently the order of the day in our country. Fraud is a cancer that is crippling our country from the core and takes away from the poorest of the poor” (extract from judgment below) It is tempting sometimes to...
Oct 29, 2019 | General Interest, Website of the Month
By all accounts Facebook Marketplace is giving Gumtree, OLX and other online classifieds a real run for their money in both the personal and business markets. It is now used every month by 800 million people in 70 different countries. Have a look at Facebook’s “How...
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